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Jesse Chiang Photo Journal bio picture

Life. Expression. Emotion.

I love taking pictures of people and capturing their expressions. I love being able to freeze emotion
into a two dimensional memory. I'd love to hear about your wedding and your plans for remembering that day!

Based in Central New Jersey, open to travel.


A short day-after session with Alice and Mike in Manhattan on a beautifully sunny Wednesday morning. A tagalong with John Arcara ( We started off in Grand Central Station, equipped with wedding gown and extra large purple balloon, stopped by the love statue on our way back to their apartment to get changed, and finally a quick shoot inside Central Park. These two are really amazing in front of the camera, complete naturals and up for anything! Have fun in London Alice!

September 12, 2009 - 2:35 am Sheryl - yayy I love these!!!

September 13, 2009 - 11:37 am Alice Lin - JESSE, I just went to your website and saw these. They are fantastic!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE them! Thanks for being so awesome. P.S. You and Sheryl should come visit me in London-- free housing!

September 14, 2009 - 4:48 pm jan - heyyy these are so good!


It’s like fireworks every time these two kiss! An amazing match up pairing Justin’s fun loving nature with Amanda’s simple joy for life and love. The atrium of the Madison hotel had light pouring in from every angle through the high arching glass ceiling and sparkling window walls. The rain poured and poured, but like a gift given to us by the matrimonial gods, the dark clouds parted just in time to give us very serene ceremony.
It was a pleasure to work with Bart Gorin for this wedding!


As I drove up to the Corinthian Yacht Club I didn’t see anyone out front and was confused by the very homely appearance of the building so I wasn’t sure if I made it to the right place. But, when I saw the samurai sword handles sticking out from their wrapping on the gift table, I knew I was right where I was supposed to be. I had such an amazing time at Linda and Kurt’s wedding getting a chance to catch up with familiar faces and of course partaking in the festivities of their wedding. From the outdoor, tent shaded ceremony, to the amazing buffet spread, to the bowl of fortune cookies and Tiffany’s parting gifts, it was the perfect day!
We were all waiting for this day to come after seeing you guys together after years and years! Congratulations and a big thank you for including me in on the celebrations!
I’m still jealous of the samurai swords… even though they were actually umbrellas… samurai sword umbrellas… most zhang!

August 21, 2009 - 10:09 am jennifer - this last photo is hilarious, esp the guy standing behind the girl in the chair, motioning for the other guy to pull it up higher, like he's directing traffic haha


On the last weekend in June, I headed over to Liberty State Park in Jersey City with Sheryl to shoot Janney and Ray’s engagement photos. Janney contacted me right after Alice and Mike’s wedding in February asking me to shoot their engagement which I gratefully accepted. Funny thing is, after a bunch of emails back and forth we didn’t actually meet until the day of their shoot! We were lucky that it wasn’t terribly hot like during the week before that Saturday, but we still decided to hide out a little bit in the ferry station to let the sun go down some. Turned out to be a good idea because of the awesome lighting in the building and it also helped to cool off a bit. Or maybe the cooling down was from getting rained on… In either case, Janney and Ray were great sports despite the rain! 10 years and counting! Have a great wedding!

July 17, 2009 - 12:52 am Janney - Jesse! Got the CD! The photos were great!!!! We're using them in our guestbook! Thanks soooo much for helping us make our wedding a little more special and memorable!!

August 6, 2009 - 9:59 am jennifer - seriously these are really nice bai...very professional in my opinion. and also did you photoshop that kite in the background or just catch it perfectly??


July 7, 2009 - 4:27 pm Sheryl - hooray!!

July 12, 2009 - 9:31 am jennifer - yo this is awesome..